
Vienna_26.08.2020_11:36 am On the cemetry you find little pale, ecaille, pale, oszilla, hook, longfin, 2point. mdm will follow soon. January 2020 February 2020 March2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 little pale 19.01.20 ecaille 31.01.20 pale 21.03.20 oszilla 29.03.20 hook 26.05.20 longfin end of June, beginning of July 2020 2point 11.07.20 Continue reading

repetitive behavior

longfin has wounds similar to mdm. I still cannot say for sure whether they were caused internally or externally. He shows repetitive behavior, spends most of the time on the right side of the aquarium, hovers for a while in the same place, does a little tour and returns to the location to stand still Continue reading


‎Vienna_21.05.20_01:05 pm I am training myself to distinguish individual fish. The fish on the image is a female, I call her mdm [madame]. It’s not that easy to catch a fish. It seems that mdm got slightly injured when I tried to catch her {see arrow]. It turned out later that the presumed injury probably Continue reading