feeding brine shrimp

‎Vienna_31.10.2020 In addition to the fact that brine shrimp [Artemia] are a widely used food item for small or larval fish and crustaceans (see brine shrimp), Artemia provides a unique example of how to develop a strategy in dealing with critical conditions needed for survival. The Artemia model depicts adaptation as a complex response to Continue reading

unpredictable interactions

view through the microscope of detritus on the ground of the fish tank (100 x) In scientific fish facilities living beings other than the model organism are usually not welcome (unless they are part of an experiment or part of the bacterial population in the filter system). They could trigger unpredictable interactions that make it Continue reading


‎2. ‎Juni ‎2020, ‏‎01:06 pm [john dow] In the labs fish are fed with different food. Sometimes it is commercial fish food, sometimes they bred food for the fish. I will investigate on that. I remember a funny detail. In one source it was told that the zebra fish in the fish facility in Tübingen Continue reading


screenshot [model organism_20.05.20_03:25 pm] Every now and then I hang around in a pet shop in the 11th district in Vienna, look at the animals there and occasionally have enriching conversations with the owner about God and the world. I don’t go there regularly, sometimes more frequently, sometimes less. The last few times I’ve always Continue reading