Tübingen_01.07.20_12:55 pm I’ve been at the Tübingen fish facility and met some people there who had their lunch break outside. I expressed my interest in spending some time in the fish facility and explained the reasons why. I didn’t have a visiting card at the time, so I announced my return the next day (with … Continue reading
reason to hope
Vienna_24.06.20_04:22 pm longfin still worries me as well. He now has wounds on both sides and looks a bit mangy. He used to be the most splendid looking fish among the fish in my aquarium. I hope he will survive. There is reason to hope, as it seems that mdm, who has had similar symptoms, … Continue reading
not yet
Vienna 24.06.20_04:00 pm When I got home last night, 2point was floating on the surface. I was sure that he was dead; but he wasn’t. He shot away as I approached him. This afternoon [see picture above] I was again sure that he was dead. I couldn’t see an eye movement nor any other … Continue reading
laboratory environment
Number of laboratories in the top 25 productive countries (according to their number of publications). Illustration produced from the data of Kinth et al., Mapping of zebrafish research: a global outlook, 2013 Zebrafish based research is performed at estimated >3250 institutes that spread numerous countries of the world, but there is a focus on Europe, … Continue reading
natural environment
film still from: Wild zebrafish in India Jutfelt Lab: Wild zebrafish filmed in their natural habitat in northern West Bengal in India. The natural range of the zebrafish is centred around the Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins in north-eastern India, Bangladesh and Nepal.They have typically been described as inhabiting slow-moving or standing water bodies, the … Continue reading
anatomy & diagnosis
[1] gills [2] swim bladder [3] Weberian ossicles [4] ears [5] heart [6] brain [7] liver [8] stomach and intestine [9] kidney [10] spleen [11] gall bladder img from:https://www.anglingtimes.co.uk/advice/science/articles/inside-a-fish I read about fish diseases and found something called “Fish Hole In The Head Disease”or hexamitosis, respectively hexamitiasis. Hexamitiasis is a parasitic disease that can affect … Continue reading
repetitive behavior
longfin has wounds similar to mdm. I still cannot say for sure whether they were caused internally or externally. He shows repetitive behavior, spends most of the time on the right side of the aquarium, hovers for a while in the same place, does a little tour and returns to the location to stand still … Continue reading
unpredictable interactions
view through the microscope of detritus on the ground of the fish tank (100 x) In scientific fish facilities living beings other than the model organism are usually not welcome (unless they are part of an experiment or part of the bacterial population in the filter system). They could trigger unpredictable interactions that make it … Continue reading
I bought new fish food the other day. It is not as colourful as the old one and I smell a little more herbaceous notes, a little more freshness. But I am even not sure if I could distinguish both in a blind test. I will try that later. First impression: the fish spit out … Continue reading
tough fish
6. Juni 2020, 11:07 am [mdm and 2point] mdm has an ulcer or sore. I think her health condition is not the best. Her scales seem rough and she also didn’t get rid of a thread of faeces for one day. One the first glance I thought 2point is dead. But he is tough. [I … Continue reading
2. Juni 2020, 01:06 pm [john dow] In the labs fish are fed with different food. Sometimes it is commercial fish food, sometimes they bred food for the fish. I will investigate on that. I remember a funny detail. In one source it was told that the zebra fish in the fish facility in Tübingen … Continue reading
personal preferences
The observed preferences are not stable and only valid for a period of a few days. ▲ 1point prefarably loiters in the separated ‘food chamber’ mainly close to the bottom. He has this habit since about one week. ▲ For a couple of days bent also had a preference for the right side of the … Continue reading